Founded in 1955, DMA is a premier and prestigious professional body, devoted to dissemination of management principles and practices.
It is a non-profit and autonomous entity that focuses on providing a wide range of services aimed at enhancing managerial effectiveness in a broad sphere of activities. It has over 3200 members, including 160 leading Corporates, a high profile Managing Committee of distinguished professionals from industry, government and academia, supported by an efficient full-time secretariat.
My Dear Friends Greetings !!! It is not only honour and privilege but also great responsibility to be the President of Delhi Management Association, one of the oldest and most vibrant management associations of the country. It is indeed matter of pride for all of us that that this year DMA is celebrating its 68th anniversary. This speaks volume of the work done by the past presidents, office bearers, DMA secretariat and of course the members. Post pandemic the world is drastically different from what it was and it is time for us to together give DMA new direction and future proof our organisation.
Read moreGovernment & Industry Academia Interface
DMA membership provides an opportunity to establish valuable contacts with members , exchange ideas and information , and represent issues of common concern at the DMA forums. Members are entitled to a whole range of management services and development activities directed towards enhancing their professional and managerial skills .
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